What makes Tutorlift so special?
There are plenty of benefits when using Tutorlift. Here's a few!
Your own course site
You'll have a landing page to call home for your students to view your course catalog along with access to the courses they have signed up for.
Write your course in Notion and we do the heavy lifting
We've created an easy-to-get-started Notion Template so you can begin writing your courses in your favorite tool. This allows you to write your course description, chapters and lessons directly in Notion!
Instructor Dashboard for quick visibility
We don't throw everything at you, but just enough for you to quickly see how your courses are doing before drilling down further.
Beautiful course interface for students
With our simple course viewer, students can easily move through your course and track their progress.
Got questions?
When will the Premium plan be released?
We are still working through a few bugs and updates we'd like to get done to ensure the platform is stable, then we will transition to the features within the Premium Plan. We expect around end of April 2023.
How are we connecting Notion to Tutorlift?
Notion has the concept of Integration tokens. With this, we let our users create a custom integration (here: https://www.notion.so/my-integrations). Then you just need to give the custom integration access to you course database and that's it! Tutorlift should have no problem grabbing your course information.